The Polar Medicine Unit is responsible for screening participants in the Australian Antarctic Program(AAP) before departure and providing healthcare services to them throughout their time in the Antarctic, subantarctic and Southern Ocean.

Pre-departure medical screening is a vital tool for doctors to identify people at risk of developing medical conditions that would be difficult to treat or support in the austere medical environments in Australia’s Antarctic Program. Medical screening is essential due to the limitations of access to usual health care. Medical evacuation from Australian Antarctic stations cannot be guaranteed due to their inaccessibility by air and sea for up to 9 months over winter. Access may be delayed, if at all possible, during the Austral summer.

Comprehensive medical and dental screening and predeparture medical preparation, including vaccinations, are key to ensuring your success and safety. We aim to work with you to ensure your health and well-being and the success of your program within the AAP.

You will need to commence the AAD medical screening process, with the completion and return of the medical checklist, as part of the AAD or related organisations recruitment processes (when advised), or when identified for participation in the Australian Antarctic Program.

Contact Polar Medicine Unit Medical Screening Team
